Musk also put his Space X launch facility in southernmost Texas inside a wildlife refuge. Vroooom!

These guys are egomaniacs laundering their burn-whatever-to-get-what-I-want fever-dreams through concepts of "sustainability" that are all just laughable shell games. If consumer tastes don't somehow change, all they'll be doing is shipping pathogenic junk and litter around in a superficially "cleaner" way.

I bet those EV rigs will be carrying a lot of toxic "vaccines" and weight-loss chemicals too. But more quietly!

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Your point that sustainable demand is far more important than switching to sustainable supplies is excellent. I still remember (paraphrasing) what Stewart Brand said, like, 47 years ago: "Instead of turning up the heat in your apartment, put on a sweater." That suggestion is great technology, and it came from the founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, which listed tools.

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Very similar to this Shantideva quote:

“Where would I find enough leather

To cover the entire surface of the earth?

But with leather soles beneath my feet,

It’s as if the whole world has been covered.”

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